By-Law amendment 2017-approved by EGM-August 14, 2017 _WithINDEX







1)         By-Law Number 1.00 INTERPRETATION

2)         By-Law Number 4.00A  BOARD OF TRUSTEES (BOT)

3)         By-Law Number 4.00A  BOARD OF TRUSTEES (BOT)

4)        Bye-Law Number 4.00 MANAGEMENT BODY

5)         By-Law Number 9.00 MEMBERSHIP

6)        By-Law Number 9.00 MEMBERSHIP

7)        By-Law Number 9.00 MEMBERSHIP

8)         By-Law Number 11.00 FINANCIAL

11.01 Financial Year:

9)         By-Law Number 11.00 FINANCIAL

10)       By-Law Number 11.00 FINANCIAL

11)       By-Law Number 11.00 FINANCIAL







1)         By-Law Number 1.00 INTERPRETATION


The word ‘Corporation’ shall be omitted in whole By-Law and shall read as BCHM.


2)         By-Law Number 4.00A  BOARD OF TRUSTEES (BOT)

4.00A(vi) Responsibilities:

(d) The wording “The EC shall plan and prepare annual budget for day-to-day activities and maintenance of the Corporation and shall submit the same to the BOT for discussion, recommendation(s) or modification(s), if any;” shall be omitted and shall be read as:

The EC shall plan and prepare annual budget for day-to-day activities and maintenance of BCHM by 30th November of each calendar year and shall submit the same to the BOT for discussion, recommendation(s) or modification(s), if any;


3)         By-Law Number 4.00A  BOARD OF TRUSTEES (BOT)

4.00A(vi) Responsibilities:

(f) in this section, the amount $1,000 shall be omitted and shall be read as $3,000 as below:

If in any situation, EC needs to do some financial activities beyond the approved budget, EC has the right to make a supplementary budget for an amount of $3,000 maximum per item of budget. Such event must not be more than three (3) in a financial year. If in any case, such financial activity crosses the limit of $3,000 for any one event, EC must consult with the Board of Trustees to finalize the issue;


4)        By-Law Number 4.00 MANAGEMENT BODY

Add to 4.00B (ii) Responsibilities:

Preserving the rights to appoint and/or nominate any or more persons for performing the required responsibilities and jobs in favor of the organization and/or the community.

Such appointments may be voluntary or on a payment basis. The details terms and conditions of such appointments/nominations shall be decided by the Board of Directors & The Board of Trustees. All such appointments/nominations shall only be executed by the joint signature of the President and General Secretary of the organization with prior approval of the Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees.

In case of dismissal, such a person has the right to appeal before the management.


5)         By-Law Number 9.00 MEMBERSHIP

9.01 the wording “Membership in the Corporation shall consist of the applicants for the incorporation of the Corporation and such other individuals and such corporations, partnerships and other legal entities as are admitted as members by the board of directors” shall be omitted and shall be read as below:


Membership consists 3 (Three) types:

  1. General Members : A person shall be considered as a general member who
    1. Must be over 18 years old and believes and practices Hinduism
    2. Must have legal status in Canada and residing in Canada
    3. Should not have been involved in any type of inappropriate activities by behave, statement or writing against the interest of the corporation.

Applications for General membership shall be reviewed and approved by the EC and BOT. If the board unanimously finds any dispute to accept membership of any individuals, that application will not be accepted.

Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote on each question arising at any special or general meeting of the members, corporations, partnerships and other legal entities may vote through a duly authorized proxy.


  1. Honorary Members: From time to time, the Board may admit for life or lesser term without payment of any fee or assessment as an Honoraria Member a person who, in the opinion of the Board, has made an outstanding contribution to the development of the BCHM. The Honorary member shall not have any voting right to the election of Board of Directors and such members shall not be eligible to be member of the Board of Directors.


  1. Life Members: A person having the qualifications to be a member can also be a Life Member by paying a single amount as decided by the Board of Directors and Board of Trustees jointly, from time to time. Life Member shall have all the rights and obligations like a general member.


6)         By-Law Number 9.00 MEMBERSHIP

9.03 The wording “Honourary and Ex-Officio Members: From time to time, the Board may admit for life or lesser term without payment of any fee or assessment as an Honoraria Member a person who, in the opinion of the Board, has made an outstanding contribution to the development of the Corporation. In addition, the Board may, from time to time, admit ex-officio members” shall be omitted and shall be read as:

Ex-Officio Members: The Board may, from time to time, admit ex-officio members.


7)         By-Law Number 9.00 MEMBERSHIP

9.09 Membership Dues:

The last sentence of this clause “Notice of an assessment for dues shall be mailed to each member.” Shall be omitted and read as:

Notice of the dues will be communicated to the respective members. A member can renew his membership by paying maximum two years dues. If any member’s dues are unpaid 3 or more years, his or her membership will be automatically cancelled and he or she has to apply for new membership.  


8)         By-Law Number 11.00 FINANCIAL

11.01 Financial Year:

The date in this clause 31st day of August shall be omitted and read as 31st day of December.


9)         By-Law Number 11.00 FINANCIAL



In this clause, the word ‘semi-annually’ shall be omitted and read as annually.


10)       By-Law Number 11.00 FINANCIAL


11.02(d) The whole clause 11.02(d)  shall be deleted and

11.02(e) shall be read as 11.02(d).


11)       By-Law Number 11.00 FINANCIAL

           Add to 11.00

11.05. Finance Operation – Roles & Responsibility

Finance operation will be run by a Finance Steering Committee (FSC) which will be approved by EC & BOT and lead by Finance Secretary. FSC will sit together monthly to review the financial activities and submit the report to EC through Finance Secretary.