BCHM By-Law amendment 2022_2023_WithINDEX
Bylaw Amendment 2022
BY-LAW AMENDMENT 2022 – Special General Meeting December 03, 2022
- Glossary
- 9.16 NEW GENERAL MEMBERSHIP Application Process Steps: (New/Add)
- By-Law Number 17.00 INTERIM COMMITTEE: (New)
- By-Law Number 19:00 TEMPLE PRIEST: (New)
- By-Law Number 11:00 FINANCIAL: (Existing)
- By-Law Number 4:00A(viii) REMOVAL OF DIRECTORS (committee member) Add to the clause (Existing)
1. By-Law Number 1.00 INTERPRETATION:
10. : ”Processing” – Steps to follow after membership request application.
11. : “quorum” – Two-thirds (2/3) of the majority.
2. By-Law Number 9:00 MEMBERSHIP:
a. NEW /ADD 9.16 General Membership Application Process Steps:
When the BCHM office receives a General membership request through the written application (prescribed form), it shall be recorded in a Register Book, and the following steps shall be taken either approve’ or rejects’ the application:
- Approval authority: Executive Committee (EC) shall decide the membership approval process; however, In the methods, if needed, create an advisory committee based on an individual who has direct experience and affiliation might be consulted. This meeting requires a quorum to proceed and shall be recorded in the Executive Committee (EC) agenda book and the membership binder. The application shall be signed by two Executive members (Usually President & General secretary) if approved. Once the membership approval process is complete following BCHM By-Laws, modify the membership list and communicate to all the appropriate stakeholders.
- Notification Process: After carefully evaluating membership approval or rejection decision, it shall be informed to the applicant within 5 (Five) business days in a written letter or email communication and must be documented. Any reinstated membership application Executive Committee (EC) shall follow the same process.
- Rejection: Any rejected General membership application shall be informed to applicants with the clarifications (Following By-Law) at the earliest possible. Communication documentation must be recorded for at least seven years’ time frame.
b. Deferred Membership Renewal dues & fees: Membership renewal dues & fees shall be due every year. If anyone wants multiple years renewal option shall be available. Renewal of general membership can be deferred to a specific (three years) period in an emergency like a Pandemic- 2020-2022.
c. Cancellation/Inactive membership: At least 3 (three) notifications shall be serviced before cancelling or making it inactive. If there is no response after three communications, it shall move to the inactive member(s) list. An interested person can apply as a new member of the BCHM; bylaw criteria shall apply. Communication with the member is essential and needs to be recorded.
d. Membership Updates Publication: Membership status has to be updated at least twice a year on the temple website in a separate TAP. The membership application form shall have an option (YES/NO) on whether it shall be published in public media/website.
e. Documentation: Approved and rejected forms & documents shall be kept in the secured file & binder for at least seven (7) years on office premises.
f. Member offer for Pre-authorized Debit (PAD)-Donations (New): Temple has been operating a PAD system for its fundraising and donation beginning of the establishment of the Temple. Temple financial operations depend on all respected donors, and every donation counts matters. The BCHM membership process is always open for every qualified community member. Temple shall offer membership to eligible PAD donors with maintaining all membership qualities by-laws.
3. By-Law Number 17.00 INTERIM COMMITTEE: (NEW)
- Formation of INTERIM: If any circumstances (for example- Pandemic 2020-2022) or situations arise that restrict to hold of general members election in due time, an 11 (eleven) to 15(fifteen) members existing Executive Committee (EC) / Board of Trustees (BOT) shall form an Interim committee to run the Temple and existing Executive Committee (EC) & Board of Trustees (BOT) shall be dissolved right after the oath of Interim Committee. The Interim committee will run the organization, follow by-laws, and hold elections reasonably after overcoming the emergency. The interim Committee shall function at a total capacity with only restriction where the joint committee requires major Temple decisions.
- Communication to Community: At the time of change, the existing Executive Committee (EC) & Board of Trustees (BOT) shall be responsible for informing the community about changes in the management of Temple without having a general member’s election within 14(fourteen) business days.
- Functions and Responsibilities of INTERM: Interim Committee shall be responsible for day-to-day temple operations and financial reporting in due time and position at total capacity with minimal exceptions. The Interim Committee shall be liable to inform within 21 (twenty-one) business days to Authorities and Financial institutions (Banks and Mortgages) if signatory changes or if it requires.
- Any significant property changes related (e.g., sale, purchase of new property, new construction, move to another location etc.) cost over $500,000.00(five hundred thousand) Canadian dollars, the Executive Committee (EC) & Board of Trustees (BOT)) shall require General Members’ approval. The decision shall be passed through a meeting in the majority of votes.
5. By-Law Number 19:00 TEMPLE PRIEST: (New)
a. Priest: The definition of a Priest is an individual who believes in Hinduism, qualified and authorized to perform daily Pujas, Rites, Ritual, Ceremonial, Observances and Festivals of a high order. The priest who promotes the Hindu religion, social and cultural activities, and the spiritual well-being of the Hindu community in the Province of Ontario. The priest shall be well educated and have in-depth knowledge of Hindu Deities and Hindu scriptures (such as the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, the Bhagavad Gita and Ramayan etc.) in English and available Language. The priest shall be capable of teaching and explaining Hindu religious matters to devotees at spiritual gatherings and educational environments. The priest shall be capable of performing religious marriage ceremonies under the Marriage Act of Ontario and shall act as “Marriage Officiant.” Further, priests shall be qualified to perform funeral rituals and shraddha (paroloukik kaj). The priest shall clearly understand Temple Bylaws and related land laws.
b. Pujas: This Means sacred rites performed by the Hindu priests.
c. Shradha or Paroloukik Kaj is a periodic ritual after death that occurs after a few days, months or years.
d. Appointment of Priest: Priest shall affiliate with Bangladesh Canada Hindu Mondir (BCHM -Religious body, the Temple). Temple management (Executive Committee or Board of Trustees) of BCHM shall process appointment or affiliation registered priest (volunteer or paid) for the BCHM for performing various rites. The appointment or affiliation shall be considered an agreement between Priest and the Religious body (BCHM). Several Priests shall be affiliated/appointed with BCHM temple to benefit our community and devotees.
e. Dismissal of Priest: Priest appointment or affiliation shall be considered as a volunteer or paid under the contract of BCHM. If Priest fails to perform their duty or violates any part of BCHM By-laws or revokes the priest’s registration as “Marriage Officiant” by authority or in violation of related land of laws priest shall be removed or dismissed from their position with reasonable notifications.
f. Documentation: Correspondences related to the priest’s appointment, affiliation, and registration with government authorities shall be kept in the office of BCHM in hardcopy or electronic copy. The list of services of the temple, including bylaws, shall be published on the temple website, www.hindumondir.org.
6. By-Law Number 4:00A(ii) FORMATION OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES (BOT) and ELECTION(existing):
***existing 4:00A(ii)-amendment-2012 will be replacing by following.
a. The President, General Secretary, and Finance Secretary of the Executive Committee (EC) shall automatically be ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees. Except for the above three (3) members, other EC members must be qualified to be BOT members. A secret ballot of the general members shall elect the rest of the BOT members.
General members shall elect the Executive Committee (EC) for 2(two) a years term, and public members shall elect a Board of Trustees (BOT) for 4(four) terms of confidential voting of available members under the Election Commission.
i. Formation of Board of Trustees (BOT)-: General members shall elect both EC and BOT committees under Election Commission. Elected President, Secretary and Finance Sectary of the Executive Committee (EC) 3 and Elected 9-BOT members shall form the “Board of Trustees.” The newly elected members of BOT will select a Chairman and a Secretary among themselves for a term specified by the Board.
ii. The Executive Committee (EC) shall be responsible for day-to-day operations as outlined in the by-law. The Board of Trustees (BOT) is accountable for Property, Development, Long term planning, and changes of bylaws or processes as outlined in the by-law. BOT members shall assist in operational activities, and EC members shall assist in maintaining the property. Again, both committees shall work together to achieve the temple’s goal.
iii. The Election Commission shall hold a general election for both the Executive Committee (EC) and Board of Trustees (BOT) by the public members after the formation of the Election Commission.
7. By-Law Number 11:00 FINANCIAL:
- Non-budgeted approval limit $5,000.00 …..Add to the clause.
- All work related to the Temple/Society should be done voluntarily by members. No remuneration shall be paid without prior approval of the Board of Trustees.
- Any payment exceeding Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), excluding reimbursement of payment (if any) that is not included in a budget approved by the Board of Trustees (BOT), shall require prior approval of the Board.
- All cheques shall be signed by the two signatories out of the three. The three signatories shall be the Finance Secretary (treasurer), the president and the General Secretary of the Executive Committee. Credit cards shall be used for all possible shopping transactions of the temple, minimizing cash transactions.
8. By-Law Number 4:00A(viii) REMOVAL OF DIRECTORS (committee member) Add to the clause:
- Upon an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Board, a member of the Executive Committee (EC) or Board of Trustees (BOT), who has failed to attend three/four consecutive meetings or has been found working against the interests and objectives of the organization, may be removed from the committee and revoke general membership. An exception to this segment shall require to be discussed and approved by the authority for the logical explanation of the individual.